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The distributed unique ID generator.

__init__(self, start_time=None, machine_id=None, check_machine_id=None)special

Create a new instance of SonyFlake unique ID generator.

start_time is the time since which the SonyFlake time is defined as the elapsed time.

  • If start_time is 0, the start time of the SonyFlake is set to "2014-09-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC".

  • If start_time is ahead of the current time, SonyFlake is not created.

machine_id returns the unique ID of the SonyFlake instance.

  • If machine_id returns an error, SonyFlake is not created.

  • If machine_id is nil, default machine_id is used.

  • Default machine_id returns the lower 16 bits of the private IP address.

check_machine_id validates the uniqueness of the machine ID.

  • If check_machine_id returns False, SonyFlake is not created.

  • If check_machine_id is None, no validation is done.

Source code in sonyflake/
def __init__(
    start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
    machine_id: Optional[Callable[[], int]] = None,
    check_machine_id: Optional[Callable[[int], bool]] = None,
    Create a new instance of `SonyFlake` unique ID generator.

    `start_time` is the time since which the SonyFlake time is
    defined as the elapsed time.

    * If `start_time` is 0, the start time of the SonyFlake is set
    to _"`2014-09-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC`"_.

    * If `start_time` is ahead of the current time, SonyFlake is
    not created.

    `machine_id` returns the unique ID of the SonyFlake instance.

    * If `machine_id` returns an error, SonyFlake is not created.

    * If `machine_id` is nil, default `machine_id` is used.

    * Default `machine_id` returns the lower 16 bits of the
    private IP address.

    `check_machine_id` validates the uniqueness of the machine ID.

    * If `check_machine_id` returns `False`, SonyFlake is not

    * If `check_machine_id` is `None`, no validation is done.
    if start_time is None:
        start_time = SONYFLAKE_EPOCH
    self.mutex = Lock()
    self._start_time = self.to_sonyflake_time(start_time)
    self.elapsed_time = self.current_elapsed_time()
    self.sequence = (1 << BIT_LEN_SEQUENCE) - 1
    if not hasattr(self, "_machine_id"):
        self._machine_id = machine_id and machine_id() or lower_16bit_private_ip()

__new__(cls, start_time=None, machine_id=None, check_machine_id=None)specialstaticmethod

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.

Source code in sonyflake/
def __new__(
    start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
    machine_id: Optional[Callable[[], int]] = None,
    check_machine_id: Optional[Callable[[int], bool]] = None,
    if start_time and datetime.datetime.utcnow() < start_time:
        return None
    instance = super().__new__(cls)
    if machine_id is not None:
        instance._machine_id = machine_id()
        instance._machine_id = lower_16bit_private_ip()
    if check_machine_id is not None:
        if not check_machine_id(instance._machine_id):
            return None
    return instance


Get time elapsed since the SonyFlake ID generator was initialised.

Source code in sonyflake/
def current_elapsed_time(self):
    Get time elapsed since the SonyFlake ID generator was
    return self.current_time() - self.start_time


Get current UTC time in the SonyFlake's time value.

Source code in sonyflake/
def current_time(self):
    Get current UTC time in the SonyFlake's time value.
    return self.to_sonyflake_time(datetime.datetime.utcnow())


Decompose returns a set of SonyFlake ID parts.

Source code in sonyflake/
def decompose(_id: int) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Decompose returns a set of SonyFlake ID parts.
    mask_sequence = ((1 << BIT_LEN_SEQUENCE) - 1) << BIT_LEN_MACHINE_ID
    mask_machine_id = (1 << BIT_LEN_MACHINE_ID) - 1
    msb = _id >> 63
    sequence = (_id & mask_sequence) >> BIT_LEN_MACHINE_ID
    machine_id = _id & mask_machine_id
    return {
        "id": _id,
        "msb": msb,
        "time": time,
        "sequence": sequence,
        "machine_id": machine_id,


Generates and returns the next unique ID.

Raises a TimeoutError after the SonyFlake time overflows.

Source code in sonyflake/
def next_id(self):
    Generates and returns the next unique ID.

    Raises a `TimeoutError` after the `SonyFlake` time overflows.
    mask_sequence = (1 << BIT_LEN_SEQUENCE) - 1
    with self.mutex:
        current_time = self.current_elapsed_time()
        if self.elapsed_time < current_time:
            self.elapsed_time = current_time
            self.sequence = 0
            self.sequence = (self.sequence + 1) & mask_sequence
            if self.sequence == 0:
                self.elapsed_time += 1
                overtime = self.elapsed_time - current_time
        return self.to_id()


Calculate the time remaining until generation of new ID.

Source code in sonyflake/
def sleep_time(duration: int) -> float:
    Calculate the time remaining until generation of new ID.
    return (
        duration * 10 - (datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp() * 100) % 1
    ) / 100


Convert a datetime.datetime object to SonyFlake's time value.

Source code in sonyflake/
def to_sonyflake_time(given_time: datetime.datetime) -> int:
    Convert a `datetime.datetime` object to SonyFlake's time
    return int(given_time.timestamp() * 100)

Last update: 2021-03-17